
This Toolkit contains all of the resources that have been developed to facilitate the Picture My Future process. These include Guides for Support People, Handouts for People with disability and Picture resources.

Guides for Support People

Guide to Talking to someone with intellectual disability

People with intellectual disability have a variety of complex communication needs. This guide offers general tips to maximise communication with people with intellectual disability, as well as specific tips relating to Picture My Future.

Guide to Talking to someone with intellectual disability (PDF)

Guide to Talking to someone with intellectual disability (WORD)

Factors to consider when nominating the Support Person

Nominating the right Support Person is a very important part of the Picture My Future process. This guide includes some factors to consider when thinking about nominating the Support Person.

Factors to consider when nominating the Support Person (PDF)

Factors to consider when nominating the Support Person (WORD)

Guide to asking questions when exploring goals

This guide is useful during the first and second meetings. It includes the types of questions to ask when talking with people with disability about their goals and about the pictures they collect to represent them.

Guide to asking questions when exploring goals (PDF)

Guide to asking questions when exploring goals (WORD)

Guide to Collecting Pictures

This guide offers a number of tips to support people with disability as they think about collecting pictures for the second meeting.

Guide to Collecting Pictures (PDF)

Guide to Collecting Pictures (WORD)

Technical guide

Taking photos is one way that people with disability can choose to collect pictures to reflect their hopes and dreams. If they choose to take photos, this guide will provide some technical advice to make this process smoother.

Technical guide for person taking photos (PDF)

Technical guide for person taking photos (WORD)

Guide to using the Picture My future Library

This guide explains the development of the Picture My Future Library and how to use it during the second meeting.

Guide to using the Picture My future Library (PDF)

Guide to using the Picture Library (WORD)

Trouble shooting guide

This helpful guide covers some of the scenarios that you may encounter during the second meeting and suggests ways to overcome them.

Trouble shooting guide (PDF)

Trouble shooting guide (WORD)

Handouts for People with disability

Explaining Picture My Future to support staff and family

This handout can be given to the person to show to support staff and family members. It explains the process that the person will be undertaking to complete Picture My Future to allow carers to support the person through the process.

Explaining Picture My Future to support workers and family (PDF)

Explaining Picture My Future to support workers and family (WORD)

Easy English What is Picture My Future?

As the title suggests, this handout is used to explain the Picture My Future process to people with disability.

What is Picture My Future? Handout Easy English (PDF)

What is Picture My Future? Handout Easy English (WORD)

Easy English How to Collect Pictures 

An Easy English guide to the many ways that a person with disability may choose to collect pictures for Picture My Future.

How to collect pictures – Handout Easy English (PDF)

How to collect pictures – Handout Easy English (WORD)

Picture Me Handout

This Easy English booklet provides a framework for the person as he or she goes through the goal exploration process. It may be used during the first meeting when introducing the concept of goal exploration.

Picture Resources

Picture My Future Photo Library

This is a collection of pictures chosen to reflect themes United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. This library can be used in cases where a person has not collected any pictures, or as a supplement to the pictures the person has brought. It may be used during the second meeting.

Sample Picture My Future Resource

This is an example of a finished Picture My Future Resource might look like.