Module 4: Picture My Future – a guide

Things to remember

Here are some important things to remember about Picture My Future:

  1. The person with disability should be directly involved in the process.
  2. Don’t rule people out on the basis that you think they can’t do it. Most people with intellectual disability or communication issues can use Picture My Future. People with greater support needs will need more support to complete the process.
  3. Don’t just focus on the pictures that the person has collected. Some abstract things are difficult to photograph, and the fact that a person took a photo of something does not necessarily mean that this is more important than something not photographed.
  4. Picture My Future does not depend on being able to take photos. Any images provided will be helpful in enhancing the communication process, and the Picture My Future library is an excellent resource where no pictures have been selected.
  5. Pictures don’t mean the same to everyone.  It’s the way a person describes or shows the importance or meaning of the image that is important.

Self-reflection task

  • Have a look through the Picture My Future Library and try to identify which pictures you would choose to represent your goals.